Items filtered by date: April 2023

Tuesday, 25 April 2023 00:00

The Feet Are Complex Foot Structures

The feet and ankles are complex structures. The 26 bones, several muscles, tendons, and ligaments work together in harmony to achieve balance and mobility. There are three bones that are located in the ankle joint. These enable up-and-down movement, causing flexibility in the foot. Additionally, there are also three bones that are located in the foot and are known as the hindfoot, midfoot, and forefoot. There is soft tissue and cartilage between the bones that hold them together which absorbs the impact of the body and provides stability to the body. There are 20 muscles that are found in each foot, and each group of muscles is responsible for various functions. The toes can lift and curl by using smaller muscles, and the peroneal tibial muscle controls the movement to the outside of the ankle. If you would like additional information about how the components of the feet work together, it is suggested that you seek the counsel of a podiatrist who can provide you with interesting foot facts.

If you have any concerns about your feet, contact one of our podiatrists from Houston Foot and Ankle Care. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Biomechanics in Podiatry

Podiatric biomechanics is a particular sector of specialty podiatry with licensed practitioners who are trained to diagnose and treat conditions affecting the foot, ankle and lower leg. Biomechanics deals with the forces that act against the body, causing an interference with the biological structures. It focuses on the movement of the ankle, the foot and the forces that interact with them.

A History of Biomechanics

  • Biomechanics dates back to the BC era in Egypt where evidence of professional foot care has been recorded.
  • In 1974, biomechanics gained a higher profile from the studies of Merton Root, who claimed that by changing or controlling the forces between the ankle and the foot, corrections or conditions could be implemented to gain strength and coordination in the area.

Modern technological improvements are based on past theories and therapeutic processes that provide a better understanding of podiatric concepts for biomechanics. Computers can provide accurate information about the forces and patterns of the feet and lower legs.

Understanding biomechanics of the feet can help improve and eliminate pain, stopping further stress to the foot.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Inner Loop, Southwest, Greater Heights, and Pearland, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about The Importance of Biomechanics in Podiatry

Suffering from this type of pain? You may have the foot condition known as Morton's neuroma. Morton's neuroma may develop as a result of ill-fitting footwear and existing foot deformities. We can help.

Tuesday, 18 April 2023 00:00

Foot Problems Common to Diabetics

Foot problems are relatively common among those with diabetes. Over time, diabetes can cause neuropathy, a type of nerve damage. It can interfere with feeling in the feet and cause tingling and pain. With the loss of feeling in the feet, one can get a blister or sore on their foot that gets infected or does not heal properly and never know about it. Also, diabetes can lower the amount of blood flow to the feet, making it harder for sores or infections to heal. Unfortunately, improper healing in diabetics could lead to gangrene and limb loss. Management of blood glucose levels and daily foot care can help to prevent diabetic-related foot problems. Things you can do each day to care for your feet include washing, drying, and moisturizing them, examining your feet for any sores or abnormalities, and trimming toenails straight across. If you have diabetes, it is strongly suggested that you have a podiatrist on your healthcare team and receive regular examinations of your feet.

Diabetic foot care is important in preventing foot ailments such as ulcers. If you are suffering from diabetes or have any other concerns about your feet, contact one of our podiatrists from Houston Foot and Ankle Care. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Diabetic Foot Care

Diabetes affects millions of people every year. The condition can damage blood vessels in many parts of the body, especially the feet. Because of this, taking care of your feet is essential if you have diabetes, and having a podiatrist help monitor your foot health is highly recommended.

The Importance of Caring for Your Feet

  • Routinely inspect your feet for bruises or sores.
  • Wear socks that fit your feet comfortably.
  • Wear comfortable shoes that provide adequate support.

Patients with diabetes should have their doctor monitor their blood levels, as blood sugar levels play such a huge role in diabetic care. Monitoring these levels on a regular basis is highly advised.

It is always best to inform your healthcare professional of any concerns you may have regarding your feet, especially for diabetic patients. Early treatment and routine foot examinations are keys to maintaining proper health, especially because severe complications can arise if proper treatment is not applied.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Inner Loop, Southwest, Greater Heights, and Pearland, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Diabetic Foot Care

Repetitive overuse is often the reason why stress fractures happen. Many runners endure this foot condition from the miles and hours they spend running.  Stress fractures may cause their running routine to temporarily stop. A stress fracture is defined as a hairline crack in the bone and can affect any of the foot bones. Excessive running or similar activities may cause the muscles to become tired and unable to absorb the impact as the foot strikes the ground. The bone will naturally take on this task, which can result in a stress fracture. It can be confirmed by having an X-ray performed, which precedes beginning treatment. It is beneficial to rest the foot as often as possible, and it may help to use crutches to keep weight off of the foot. The majority of patients who endure stress fractures will completely heal in approximately six weeks, and it is helpful to perform stretches that can strengthen the foot. If you have a stress fracture of the foot, it is suggested that you consult with a podiatrist who can offer you additional treatment options.

Stress fractures occur when there is a tiny crack within a bone. To learn more, contact one of our podiatrists from Houston Foot and Ankle Care. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain free and on your feet.

How Are They Caused?

Stress fractures are the result of repetitive force being placed on the bone. Since the lower leg and feet often carry most of the body’s weight, stress fractures are likely to occur in these areas. If you rush into a new exercise, you are more likely to develop a stress fracture since you are starting too much, too soon.  Pain resulting from stress fractures may go unnoticed at first, however it may start to worsen over time.

Risk Factors

  • Gender – They are more commonly found in women compared to men.
  • Foot Problems – People with unusual arches in their feet are more likely to develop stress fractures.
  • Certain Sports – Dancers, gymnasts, tennis players, runners, and basketball players are more likely to develop stress fractures.
  • Lack of Nutrients – A lack of vitamin D and calcium may weaken the bones and make you more prone to stress fractures
  • Weak Bones – Osteoporosis can weaken the bones therefore resulting in stress fractures

Stress fractures do not always heal properly, so it is important that you seek help from a podiatrist if you suspect you may have one. Ignoring your stress fracture may cause it to worsen, and you may develop chronic pain as well as additional fractures.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our offices located in Inner Loop, Southwest, Greater Heights, and Pearland, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Stress Fractures of the Foot and Ankle
Tuesday, 04 April 2023 00:00

Shoes for Pre-Walkers

When a new parent has a baby, they often have many questions about what they should be doing to protect the health of their newborn’s feet. For example, new parents often have questions about what shoes they should be buying for their newborn before they can walk. Sometimes, parents will put shoes on their newborn before they can walk for style purposes or to keep their newborn’s feet warm. In this case, parents can consider shopping for baby shoes that have soft soles. Admittedly, shoes for pre-walking infants serve a primarily decorative purpose. However, if your pre-walking infant wears soft-sole shoes, this might helpfully keep a pair of socks on your infant’s feet. If you are a new parent with a pre-walking infant, it is suggested that you consult with a podiatrist to ensure that you are doing everything you can to maintain the health of your infant’s feet.

Making sure that your children maintain good foot health is very important as they grow. If you have any questions, contact one of our podiatrists of Houston Foot and Ankle Care. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Keeping Children's Feet Healthy

Having healthy feet during childhood can help prevent medical problems later in life, namely in the back and legs. As children grow, their feet require different types of care. Here are some things to consider...

Although babies do not walk yet, it is still very important to take care of their feet.

Avoid putting tight shoes or socks on his or her feet.

Allow the baby to stretch and kick his or her feet to feel comfortable.

As a toddler, kids are now on the move and begin to develop differently. At this age, toddlers are getting a feel for walking, so don’t be alarmed if your toddler is unsteady or ‘walks funny’. 

As your child gets older, it is important to teach them how to take care of their feet.

Show them proper hygiene to prevent infections such as fungus.

Be watchful for any pain or injury.

Have all injuries checked by a doctor as soon as possible.

Comfortable, protective shoes should always be worn, especially at play.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Inner Loop, Southwest, Greater Heights, and Pearland, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about How to Care for Your Child's Feet

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Advanced Podiatric Procedures & Services in the Houston, TX 77027, 77074, 77007 and Pearland, TX 77584 areas